The Queen's Regiment, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Sutton, supported General Lord Cutts' left wing, opposite to French-held Blenheim. On the accession of Princess Anne to the throne in 1702, the regiment became the Queens Regiment of Foot, although it continued to be referred to as Webbs Regiment per an unofficial army convention that had a unit known by the name of its colonel. [95], Within a year of the battalion's arrival in India,[95] in November 1878, Britain invaded Afghanistan when an ultimatum to its ruler by the Viceroy of India, Lord Lytton, went unanswered. Further actions, while under the command of John Churchill (later 1st Duke of Marlborough) took place that year involving the regiment during the sieges of Limerick, Cork and Kinsale. The regiment formed as the Princess Anne of Denmarks Regiment of Foot during a rebellion in 1685 by the illegitimate son of King Charles II against King James II. [20] Cadogan's precarious situation only began to alleviate by the deployment of the Duke of Argyll's reinforcements. [60], The regiment took part in further actions at Vincennes and the Battle of Newtown (Elmira, New York) in 1779, as well as the Mohawk Valley in 1780 and Kentucky in 1782. [91] The regiment also took part in the second Relief of Lucknow in November, seeing much action until withdrawing, after the evacuation of civilians, on the 22nd. The Queens joined an advanced contingent under Lord Cadogan which crossed the Scheldt, via pontoon bridges assembled near Oudenarde, as a prelude to the arrival of the main army. The regiment served in numerous conflicts during its existence, notably in the wars with France that dominated the 18th and 19th centuries, the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Indian rebellion of 1857 (historically referred to as the "Indian Mutiny" by Britain). The King's participated in the capture of Ludlow Castle, in the vicinity of Kashmir Gate in the northern walls of Delhi. Cannon, Cannon & Cunningham (1883), pp. [44] Captain Henry Bird of the 8th Regiment led a British and Native American siege of Fort Laurens in 1779. Arnold accepted the conditions, with the exception of Americans being forbidden from serving elsewhere. While Whethams men attempted to readjust their dispositions, a mass of Highlanders began a rapid charge. The regiment took part in further actions at Vincennes and the Battle of Newtown (Elmira, New York) in 1779, as well as the Mohawk Valley in 1780 and Kentucky in 1782. As unrest escalated in Britain, the Queens Regiment arrived in Scotland and became absorbed by a Government army under the Duke of Argyll. In the bloodiest battle recorded on Canadian territory, casualties for both sides exceeded 800. [24] In 1794, the regiment attempted to lift the French Siege of Nijmegen. 155-6, List of battalions of the King's Regiment (Liverpool), The Spanish Succession: 1702 - King William III dies, "Redcoats on the Frontier: The King's Regiment in the Revolutionary War", "MacDonnell (McDonald), George Richard John",, This page was last edited on 18 June 2022, at 17:57. On the 11th, the regiment fought in the bloodiest battle of the war: Malplaquet. The centre advanced with its right flank exposed because of the refusal by some allied regiments to fight, while the left flank made limited progress. The 87th Regiment of Foot was a line infantry regiment of the British Army. After the capture of Fort Niagara the 1st Battalion were sent back to their old post once again to recover from the previous campaign. The reliefs commander, Major Sherburne, surrendered, but the engagement infuriated the Indian contingent as the Allies only fatality was a Seneca war chief. [18], The threat of a French-supported Jacobite uprising in Scotland arose in 1708 and the Queen's was among those regiments recalled to Britain. [22] The memoirs of Private Matthew Bishop, of the Queen's Regiment, contained an account that recalled: "the French were well prepared to give us a warm salute. [87], The complex array of motives and causes that culminated in the mutiny of much of the Bengal Army would be catalysed in 1857 by rumours that beef and pork fat was being used to grease paper rifle cartridges. The Regiment was under the command of James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick; the illegitimate son of King James II. [4] John Churchill, Earl (later Duke) of Marlborough, ranked as Captain-General with limited authority over Dutch forces, arrived in the Low Countries soon afterwards to assume control of a multi-national army organised by the Grand Alliance. [53] Forster managed to dissuade them from executing the prisoners by paying substantial ransoms for some of the captives as compensation for the loss. By October 1809, some 1,700 of more than 2,000 casualties had succumbed to disease. By the end of November, the Americans had captured Fort St. Jean, Montreal, and Fort Chambly, and besieged the city of Quebec. Though still acclimatising and consequently susceptible to fever, the 2nd Kings was allocated to the Kurram Field Force, under Major-General Frederick Roberts. [2], It took part in the Siege of Carrickfergus in Ireland in 1689[3] and in the Battle of the Boyne the following year. [39] On arriving at the fort on 18 May, the British briefly exchanged fire before Forster parleyed with Bedel's successor, Major Isaac Butterfield, to request his surrender and warn him of the consequences should Indian warriors be committed to battle. The duration of these deployments varied considerably, sometimes exceeding a decade; its first tour of North America began in 1768 and ended in 1785. In 1745, Prince Charles Edward (popularly known as Bonnie Prince Charlie) landed in Scotland, seeking to restore the Stuarts to the British throne. He remained in the army until the end of the war. The Queen's joined an advanced contingent under Lord Cadogan which crossed the Scheldt, via pontoon bridges assembled near Oudenarde, as a prelude to the arrival of the main army. [76] After gaining control of the fort following close-quarters battle, the British destroyed the main barracks and three anchored vessels,[76] and departed with provisions and prisoners. Confined first to a number of Bengal regiments, the mutiny eventually manifested in some areas as a more diverse, albeit disparate, rebellion against British rule. [40] Butterfield, whose men had apparently been disconcerted by an earlier display of Indian war chanting, expressed a willingness to do so on the proviso of being allowed to retire with his weapons - a condition that Forster refused. For the remainder of 1706, the Allies systematically captured towns and fortresses, including Antwerp, Bruges, Brussels, and Ghent. [42], The 8th Foot arrived in Canada in 1768 and had its ten companies dispersed to garrison isolated posts on the Great Lakes: Fort Niagara (four), Fort Detroit (three), Fort Michilimackinac (two), and Fort Oswego (one). After a lull during the winter, Marlborough struggled to retain the cohesion of his army against the inclination of Dutch generals to divide his resources, while the army itself experienced a reverse at Lige in 1703. [23], The Queen's became occupied by a succession of sieges: at Ghent, Bruges, and Lillie. [15] The regiment fought its last siege of 1706 at Menin, one of the most formidably defended fortresses in Europe.[16]. After a lull during the winter, Marlborough struggled to retain the cohesion of his army against the inclination of Dutch generals to divide his resources, while the army itself experienced a reverse at Lige in 1703. , To signify the surrender, the commanding officer of the Queens received some of their colours. As a consequence of Childers reforms, the 8th became the King's (Liverpool Regiment). It soon broke us in a terrible manner, though our vacancies were quickly filled upwhen we got clear of the dead and wounded, we ran upon them and returning their fire, even broke them out of the breast-work.. The 2nd Battalion became the 63rd Regiment of Foot in 1758 and would not be replaced until 1804. [1] After James was deposed during the "Glorious Revolution" that installed William III and Mary II as co-monarchs, the regiment's commanding officer, the Duke of Berwick, decided to join his royal father in exile. He was forced to lift the siege a month later as British reinforcements advanced toward Ninety-Six. Forster maintained illicit contact with occupied Montreal, and received intelligence of American troop movements using Indian operatives and Major de Lorimier. As unrest escalated in Britain, the Queen's Regiment arrived in Scotland and became absorbed by a Government army under the Duke of Argyll. Emboldened by the two victories, the British landed at Pointe-Claire, on the Island of Montreal, only to withdraw after Forster established the strength of General Benedict Arnolds force at Lachine. London: Parker, Furnivall & Parker, 1844. 76-7, Cannon, Richard & Cunningham, Alexander Robertson (1883), pp. from People "Oh, yes, the H.M.S. As a complete regiment, the 8th served at Kirch-Denkern, Paderborn, Wilhelmsthal, and the capture of Cassel. Duke University Libraries. Due to its seniority, the Kings Regiment became positioned in the frontline of the Duke of Cumberlands centre. [27] Without cavalry support, the Jacobite left also broke,[28] and the Earl of Mar abandoned the area at nightfall. According to a contemporary account by Francis Hare, Chaplain-General of Marlboroughs army, the Queens secured a French-constructed barrier to prevent it being used as a route of escape, taking hundreds prisoner in its vicinity. The regiment served in numerous conflicts during its existence, notably in the wars with France that dominated the 18th and 19th centuries, the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Indian rebellion of 1857 (historically referred to as the "Indian Mutiny" by Britain). The Queen's joined an advanced contingent under Lord Cadogan which crossed the Scheldt, via pontoon bridges assembled near Oudenarde, as a prelude to the arrival of the main army. The regiments first engagement occurred in July, when it captured an outpost situated in gardens outside Delhi. The regiment became detached from Marlboroughs army to assist in the retaking of Huy before rejoining for the subsequent attack on the Lines of Brabant Although the lines were overcome, French resistance, combined with opposition among some Dutch generals and adverse weather conditions, prevented much exploitation. The British completed the occupation of Egypt by September. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. John Churchill, Earl (later Duke) of Marlborough, ranked as Captain-General with limited authority over Dutch forces, arrived in the Low Countries soon afterwards to assume control of a multi-national army organised by the Grand Alliance. Numbering about 700, the British engaged more than 3,000 Americans in a nocturnal battle. [64], In 1799, the King's became resident on Menorca, which had been captured from Spain the previous year. [16] Marlborough had positioned his forces near Brussels, anticipating that an offensive might be directed against the city,[16] and had to march his army 50 miles (80km) over a period of two days.

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