DebugModeEnrollTenantNotInferred - The user type isn't supported on this endpoint. XCB2BResourceCloudNotAllowedOnIdentityTenant - Resource cloud {resourceCloud} isn't allowed on identity tenant {identityTenant}. Contact the tenant admin. The application can prompt the user with instruction for installing the application and adding it to Azure AD. Let me know if this was the issue. The client application can notify the user that it can't continue unless the user consents. The error field has several possible values - review the protocol documentation links and OAuth 2.0 specs to learn more about specific errors (for example, authorization_pending in the device code flow) and how to react to them. Typically, the lifetimes of refresh tokens are relatively long. To fix, the application administrator updates the credentials. ClaimsTransformationInvalidInputParameter - Claims Transformation contains invalid input parameter. Flow doesn't support and didn't expect a code_challenge parameter. For more information, see Permissions and consent in the Microsoft identity platform. . Specifies how the identity platform should return the requested token to your app. Fix and resubmit the request. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. If you want to skip authorizing your app in the standard way, such as when testing your app, you can use the non-web application flow.. To authorize your OAuth app, consider which authorization flow best fits your app. InvalidRequest - The authentication service request isn't valid. Send a new interactive authorization request for this user and resource. The authorization server doesn't support the authorization grant type. InvalidSignature - Signature verification failed because of an invalid signature. This error is a development error typically caught during initial testing. ChromeBrowserSsoInterruptRequired - The client is capable of obtaining an SSO token through the Windows 10 Accounts extension, but the token was not found in the request or the supplied token was expired. GuestUserInPendingState - The user account doesnt exist in the directory. InvalidRealmUri - The requested federation realm object doesn't exist. The app has made too many of the same request in too short a period, indicating that it is in a faulty state or is abusively requesting tokens. The authorization code exchanged for OAuth tokens was malformed. Turn on suggestions. Try again. Contact your federation provider. UserAccountSelectionInvalid - You'll see this error if the user selects on a tile that the session select logic has rejected. Do you aware of this issue? A randomly generated unique value is typically used for, Indicates the type of user interaction that is required. The app can use the authorization code to request an access token for the target resource. 405: METHOD NOT ALLOWED: 1020 73: The drivers license date of birth is invalid. If not, it returns tokens. RequiredClaimIsMissing - The id_token can't be used as. Please use the /organizations or tenant-specific endpoint. The request body must contain the following parameter: '{name}'. You're expected to discard the old refresh token. You do not receive an authorization code programmatically, but you might receive one verbally by calling the processor. This error can occur because of a code defect or race condition. To request access to admin-restricted scopes, you should request them directly from a Global Administrator. Retry the request without. When you are looking at the log, if you click on the code target (the one that isnt in parentheses) you can see other requests using the same code. InvalidPasswordExpiredOnPremPassword - User's Active Directory password has expired. The request isn't valid because the identifier and login hint can't be used together. If the certificate has expired, continue with the remaining steps. This example shows a successful token response: Single page apps may receive an invalid_request error indicating that cross-origin token redemption is permitted only for the 'Single-Page Application' client-type. The auth code flow requires a user-agent that supports redirection from the authorization server (the Microsoft identity platform) back to your application. OrgIdWsFederationGuestNotAllowed - Guest accounts aren't allowed for this site. The provided authorization code could be invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client. CmsiInterrupt - For security reasons, user confirmation is required for this request. The scopes requested in this leg must be equivalent to or a subset of the scopes requested in the original, The application secret that you created in the app registration portal for your app. The server is temporarily too busy to handle the request. code: The authorization_code retrieved in the previous step of this tutorial. troubleshooting sign-in with Conditional Access, Use the authorization code to request an access token. Set this to authorization_code. MalformedDiscoveryRequest - The request is malformed. Try again. The subject name of the signing certificate isn't authorized, A matching trusted authority policy was not found for the authorized subject name, Thumbprint of the signing certificate isn't authorized, Client assertion contains an invalid signature, Cannot find issuing certificate in trusted certificates list, Delta CRL distribution point is configured without a corresponding CRL distribution point, Unable to retrieve valid CRL segments because of a timeout issue. The application can prompt the user with instruction for installing the application and adding it to Azure AD. OAuth2IdPAuthCodeRedemptionUserError - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. The access token is either invalid or has expired. Or, sign-in was blocked because it came from an IP address with malicious activity. Request the user to log in again. MissingRequiredClaim - The access token isn't valid. Please check your Zoho Account for more information. Share Improve this answer Follow The user can contact the tenant admin to help resolve the issue. I am attempting to setup Sensu dashboard with OKTA OIDC auth. An application likely chose the wrong tenant to sign into, and the currently logged in user was prevented from doing so since they did not exist in your tenant. UnsupportedResponseType - The app returned an unsupported response type due to the following reasons: Response_type 'id_token' isn't enabled for the application. Client app ID: {appId}({appName}). If an unsupported version of OAuth is supplied. TenantThrottlingError - There are too many incoming requests. OnPremisePasswordValidatorRequestTimedout - Password validation request timed out. This is described in the OAuth 2.0 error code specification RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework. A value included in the request that is also returned in the token response. Protocol error, such as a missing required parameter. This is the format of the authorization grant code from the a first request (formatting not JSON as it's output from go): { realUserStatus:1 , authorizationCode:xxxx , fullName: { middleName:null nameSuffix:null namePrefix:null givenName:null familyName:null nickname:null} state:null identityToken:xxxxxxx email:null user:xxxxx } A unique identifier for the request that can help in diagnostics across components. OnPremisePasswordValidatorErrorOccurredOnPrem - The Authentication Agent is unable to validate user's password. . Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. Make sure your data doesn't have invalid characters. DeviceFlowAuthorizeWrongDatacenter - Wrong data center. TokenForItselfMissingIdenticalAppIdentifier - The application is requesting a token for itself. . The server encountered an unexpected error. The authorization code is invalid. User revokes access to your application. Access to '{tenant}' tenant is denied. "Invalid or missing authorization token" Document ID:7022333; Creation Date:10-May-2007; Modified Date:25-Mar-2018; . It can be a string of any content that you wish. This type of error should occur only during development and be detected during initial testing. InvalidUriParameter - The value must be a valid absolute URI. BindingSerializationError - An error occurred during SAML message binding. This may not always be suitable, for example where a firewall stops your client from listening on. content-Type-application/x-www-form-urlencoded Either an admin or a user revoked the tokens for this user, causing subsequent token refreshes to fail and require reauthentication. This account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Received a {invalid_verb} request. SessionControlNotSupportedForPassthroughUsers - Session control isn't supported for passthrough users. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. Make sure that all resources the app is calling are present in the tenant you're operating in. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. copy it quickly, paste it in the v1/token endpoint and call it. UserStrongAuthEnrollmentRequiredInterrupt - User needs to enroll for second factor authentication (interactive). The authenticated client isn't authorized to use this authorization grant type. The authorization_code is returned to a web server running on the client at the specified port. However, in some cases, refresh tokens expire, are revoked, or lack sufficient privileges for the action. This error is fairly common and may be returned to the application if. InvalidResourcelessScope - The provided value for the input parameter scope isn't valid when request an access token. Try executing this request and more in Postman -- don't forget to replace tokens and IDs! This can be due to developer error, or due to users pressing the back button in their browser, triggering a bad request. All of these additions are required to request an ID token: new scopes, a new response_type, and a new nonce query parameter. The client credentials aren't valid. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. Saml2AuthenticationRequestInvalidNameIDPolicy - SAML2 Authentication Request has invalid NameIdPolicy. Correct the client_secret and try again. HTTP GET is required. ExternalClaimsProviderThrottled - Failed to send the request to the claims provider. Assign the user to the app. This part of the error contains most of the useful information about. Authorization isn't approved. e.g Bearer Authorization in postman request does it auto but in environment var it does not. OAuth2 Authorization Code must be redeemed against same tenant it was acquired for (/common or /{tenant-ID} as appropriate). NgcDeviceIsNotFound - The device referenced by the NGC key wasn't found. Some common ones are listed here: AADSTS error codes Next steps Have a question or can't find what you're looking for? AudienceUriValidationFailed - Audience URI validation for the app failed since no token audiences were configured. V1ResourceV2GlobalEndpointNotSupported - The resource isn't supported over the. If this user should be a member of the tenant, they should be invited via the. If this is unexpected, see the conditional access policy that applied to this request in the Azure Portal or contact your administrator. cancel. Common causes: The access token has been invalidated. This article describes low-level protocol details usually required only when manually crafting and issuing raw HTTP requests to execute the flow, which we do not recommend. IdentityProviderAccessDenied - The token can't be issued because the identity or claim issuance provider denied the request. Error codes and messages are subject to change. When an invalid request parameter is given. Non-standard, as the OIDC specification calls for this code only on the. Reason #2: The invite code is invalid. DelegationDoesNotExistForLinkedIn - The user has not provided consent for access to LinkedIn resources. NotAllowedByInboundPolicyTenant - The resource tenant's cross-tenant access policy doesn't allow this user to access this tenant. The user didn't enter the right credentials. The client application might explain to the user that its response is delayed because of a temporary condition. WsFedSignInResponseError - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. We are unable to issue tokens from this API version on the MSA tenant. NationalCloudAuthCodeRedirection - The feature is disabled. User account '{email}' from identity provider '{idp}' does not exist in tenant '{tenant}' and cannot access the application '{appid}'({appName}) in that tenant. Is there any way to refresh the authorization code? ApplicationUsedIsNotAnApprovedApp - The app used isn't an approved app for Conditional Access. DeviceOnlyTokensNotSupportedByResource - The resource isn't configured to accept device-only tokens. At the minimum, the application requires access to Azure AD by specifying the sign-in and read user profile permission. Contact the tenant admin. Review the application registration steps on how to enable this flow. The initial login may be able to successfully get tokens for the user, but it sounds like the renewal of the tokens is failing. Below is a minimum configuration for a custom sign-in widget to support both authentication and authorization. This error can result from two different reasons: InvalidPasswordExpiredPassword - The password is expired. 2. Thanks :) Maxine 75: FedMetadataInvalidTenantName - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. Certificate credentials are asymmetric keys uploaded by the developer. 2. Check with the developers of the resource and application to understand what the right setup for your tenant is. Sign In Dismiss For contact phone numbers, refer to your merchant bank information. Check the security policies that are defined on the tenant level to determine if your request meets the policy requirements. Authorization code is invalid or expired error SOLVED Go to solution FirstNameL86527 Member 01-18-2021 02:24 PM When I try to convert my access code to an access token I'm getting the error: Status 400. Please do not use the /consumers endpoint to serve this request. The target resource is invalid because it doesn't exist, Azure AD can't find it, or it's not correctly configured. This means that a user isn't signed in. Reason #1: The Discord link has expired. For OAuth 2, the Authorization Code (Step 1 of OAuth2 flow) will be expired after 5 minutes. MissingCustomSigningKey - This app is required to be configured with an app-specific signing key. The app that initiated sign out isn't a participant in the current session. For further information, please visit. Call your processor to possibly receive a verbal authorization. Some common ones are listed here: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge,, Use tenant restrictions to manage access to SaaS cloud applications, Reset a user's password using Azure Active Directory. You can check Oktas logs to see a pattern that a user is granted a token and then there is a failed. You or the service you are using that hit v1/token endpoint is taking too long to call the token endpoint. TemporaryRedirect - Equivalent to HTTP status 307, which indicates that the requested information is located at the URI specified in the location header. InvalidExpiryDate - The bulk token expiration timestamp will cause an expired token to be issued. For a description of the error codes and the recommended client action, see Error codes for token endpoint errors. error=invalid_grant, error_description=Authorization code is invalid or expired OutMessageContext:OutMessageContextentityId: OAuthClientIDTW (null)virtualServerId: nullBinding: oauth:token-endpointparams: {error=invalid_grant, error_description=Authorization code is invalid or expired. Specify a valid scope. Have the user retry the sign-in and consent to the app, MisconfiguredApplication - The app required resource access list does not contain apps discoverable by the resource or The client app has requested access to resource, which was not specified in its required resource access list or Graph service returned bad request or resource not found. Modified 2 years, 6 months ago. After setting up sensu for OKTA auth, i got this error. Now that you've successfully acquired an access_token, you can use the token in requests to web APIs by including it in the Authorization header: Access tokens are short lived. 9: The ABA code is invalid: The value submitted in the routingNumber field did not pass validation or was not for a valid financial institution. Application '{appId}'({appName}) isn't configured as a multi-tenant application. InvalidEmailAddress - The supplied data isn't a valid email address. UnableToGeneratePairwiseIdentifierWithMultipleSalts. The authorization server doesn't support the authorization grant type. HTTP POST is required. OAuth 2.0 only supports the calls over https. The default behavior is to either sign in the sole current user, show the account picker if there are multiple users, or show the login page if there are no users signed in. PKeyAuthInvalidJwtUnauthorized - The JWT signature is invalid. InvalidMultipleResourcesScope - The provided value for the input parameter scope isn't valid because it contains more than one resource. Next, if the invite code is invalid, you won't be able to join the server. The user goes through the Authorization process again and gets a new refresh token (At any given time, there is only 1 valid refresh token.) NoSuchInstanceForDiscovery - Unknown or invalid instance. Refresh tokens aren't revoked when used to acquire new access tokens. Invalid or null password: password doesn't exist in the directory for this user. DesktopSsoMismatchBetweenTokenUpnAndChosenUpn - The user trying to sign in to Azure AD is different from the user signed into the device. Consent between first party application '{applicationId}' and first party resource '{resourceId}' must be configured via preauthorization - applications owned and operated by Microsoft must get approval from the API owner before requesting tokens for that API. How long the access token is valid, in seconds. Check the agent logs for more info and verify that Active Directory is operating as expected. RequestBudgetExceededError - A transient error has occurred. Have the user use a domain joined device. A list of STS-specific error codes that can help in diagnostics. So far I have worked through the issues and I have postman as the client getting an access token from okta and the login page comes up, I can login with my user account and then the patient picker . Make sure that you own the license for the module that caused this error. }SignaturePolicy: BINDING_DEFAULT Grant Type PingFederate Like 73: MissingCodeChallenge - The size of the code challenge parameter isn't valid. Only present when the error lookup system has additional information about the error - not all error have additional information provided.

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